Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Favorite Trick

I've come in to find Isabelle with her legs stuck through the crib rails on multiple occasions.  Silly girl!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Laube Family Campout

The weekend of June 30th and July 1st was the annual campout for the Laube family.  This was Isabelle's first camping experience at only 2 and 1/2 months old.  She did fabulously!  She slept quite well, either in her stroller around the campfire or in her pack'n'play in the tent.  She also served as an alarm clock to make sure everyone in our site got an early start to the day.  :)
Isabelle with Great-Grandma Fern

Isabelle with Grandma Purkapile early in the morning!

Chilling with Grandpa Purkapile

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fox Wedding Weekend

Lounging poolside after a nice short swim with daddy!  This was my first swim EVER and I LOVED IT!
Dressed and ready to party!
(Thanks Grandma Purkapile for making my dress to match mommy's)

Jennine and Jason Fox... Congrats you two! 

We attempted to get Isabelle to sleep in the reception hall by putting her in her car seat and covering it up but it did not seem to work very well.  Instead she stayed up with us until 11:30 pm and then slept the first 5 hours straight during our 7 hour drive home the following day :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Isabelle with her daddy for his first Father's Day!

Isabelle with Grandpa Black on Father's Day!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Watch Me Grow!!!

Eric and I have decided to track Isabelle's growth by taking pictures of Isabelle at each milestone with Eric's childhood teddy bear, Jamie.  Check out the pictures below to see how much our little peanut has grown in her first two months.  I can't believe how big she has gotten these past two months and I cherish every day with her of these next two weeks before I have to return to work.

Here she is at only three days old.  Her first day home from the hospital!

She is hiding from the camera a bit and leaning heavily on Jamie at two weeks old.

At one month, she is better at holding herself up and has grown quite a bit!

Today, at two months, she has the smiling thing down just not the looking at the camera part :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Isabelle Jean was baptized into the christian family on June 3, 2012.  She was a bit fussy throughout, except when the water was being poured on her head.  This little girl loves water. :)

 Our little family with Father Joe, who baptized her.

Our little family and the godparents: Ethan Purkapile (my baby brother) and Kerry Luther (Eric's sister)

Eric's family

My family

Great-Aunt Royann and cousin Luke entertaining Isabelle

 A close-up of Isabelle on her baptism.  The gown was by Great-Aunt Royann and worn previously by Eric and his sister for their baptisms.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Making of Grandparents

My parents came down the first full week Isabelle was home from the hospital to help out and meet the little bundle joy that moved them into grandparent status.  How excited they were to meet their first little grand baby, especially knowing they could give her back to mom or dad when she got fussy!!! :)
 Grandpa loving on his first grandchild
 Three generations
 Grandma loved giving Isabelle a bath and Isabelle just LOVES bath time!!
Gma and Gpa loving on their grandbaby.